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Recliner Battery Pack Benefits: Is A Battery Pack for Reclining Furniture Right for Your Home?

Recliner Battery Pack Benefits: Is A Battery Pack for Reclining Furniture Right for Your Home?

When you hear the phrase, “cut the cable” or “cut the cord” these days, it’s usually in a discussion about ditching your cable TV provider. But here at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet, we’re not talking about Netflix, Hulu or the multitude of other video streaming services. For that matter, we’re not literally talking about cutting anything. No, today we’re here to talk about battery packs for your reclining furniture. Also known as a recliner battery pack or recliner power pack, these portable power sources offer a ton of benefits to the right customer.

As power reclining furniture has boomed in popularity, so have concerns related to power recliners. These cordless battery packs are an ideal solution to several of the common concerns and objections. In fact, the biggest problem of all is that many consumers don’t know that such a solution exists! We wrote this article to let shoppers and owners of power reclining furniture know that there are answers out there to their power reclining problems!

What are the benefits of recliner battery packs? And also, how do you know if a cordless recliner battery pack is a good fit for you? Read on to find out!

Common Concerns with Power Reclining Furniture & Recliner Battery Packs

When people are considering a manual vs power recliner, sectional, sofa or loveseat, there are several worries we encounter on a regular basis. The concerns below are all things we hear from our own customers. And they are all things that can be easily addressed with a quality battery pack for reclining furniture!

“A Power Recliner or Power Reclining Sofa Won’t Work for Me Because It Won’t Be Near an Outlet…”

Power Leather Recliner Chair with white background

Let’s address the elephant in the room first. This worry is easily the most common concern our furniture shoppers have when looking at power reclining furniture. We hear these kinds of comments on a daily basis:

“This power recliner is awesome, but I guess I need to find something manual. It will be floating in the middle of my living room, and it won’t reach the outlet. Obviously, I can’t plug it in or else I’ll have a power cord going across the floor.”

“I really love this power sectional, but I don’t have a power outlet on the wall where I’m putting it. So, I guess I need to settle for a manual one.”

However, what many of these customers don’t know is that a recliner power pack is an easy fix. With a recliner power pack, you can figuratively "cut the cord" and put your furniture wherever you like!

“What If I Lose Power? Won’t I Get Stuck in My Recliner?”

person in dark room with a lantern during power outage checking circuit breaker box

Good news, you won’t — not with a recliner battery pack anyway! It’s true that most lift chairs have small, emergency backup batteries. On very rare occasions, power recliners or other power reclining furniture may also have this feature. However, even when seating has these tiny reserve batteries, they typically only have enough charge to let your footrest down if the power goes out. In many instances, this backup may only be a simple 9-volt battery.

However, with a battery pack for reclining furniture you won’t have to worry about power outages at all. Instead of being stuck or only having enough juice to put down your footrest during an inconvenient outage, you’ll be able to cycle your recliner hundreds or even thousands of times between charges. Charge the battery when it’s convenient for you and have peace of mind knowing that you don’t need to rely on power from the outlet that can go out at any time.

“I Don’t Want to Be Charging a Battery Pack Every Few Days, Though.”

Fortunately, this worry is another non-issue when you have a battery pack for reclining furniture. As we mentioned above, your battery pack should be good for hundreds or even thousands of cycles of extending and stowing the footrest between charges.

hand plugging in cord to outlet

That being said, exactly how long your battery pack will last you depends on a lot of factors. For instance, whether you have a single-seat recliner, or a sectional with multiple reclining seats. Or perhaps, whether your powered seating has a reclining footrest with a single motor, or loads of additional features like massage function, adjustable headrests and lumbar support, USB ports, lighting, etc. Understandably, multiple powered seats and additional features can drain the power that much faster. However, you can easily counter this by choosing a larger battery pack.

Also, many recliner battery packs can hold a charge while on standby for over a year, even when unused. When it’s getting close to the time for you to recharge, your recliner battery pack will give you a low battery alert. Finally, you can charge even the largest of these recliner power packs quickly and easily overnight.

“Is a Battery Pack for Reclining Furniture Right for Me?”

Let’s answer your question with a few questions of our own. Your answers to the questions below are critically important to knowing whether a recliner power pack is right for you:

  • Do you have a power recliner, lift chair, or power reclining sectional, sofa, or loveseat – or are you considering one?
  • Are you disappointed or frustrated because your room layout and seating placement is currently limited by power outlet availability or outlet location?
  • Do you want to avoid unsightly and/or unsafe power cables that can be tripped over or accidentally pulled out of the wall?
  • Are you worried by occasional power outages, or even power surges that trip your circuit breaker and cause loss of power to your seating?

Are you anxious about getting stuck in your power recliner, lift chair, reclining sofa, etc. without power?

If you answered yes to any of these, you would benefit from the peace of mind that comes with a cordless recliner battery pack.

recliner battery pack or recliner power pack

The Many Benefits of Reclining Battery Packs

Let’s quickly recap the benefits of recliner power packs:

  1. Don’t limit yourself to manual reclining options. Buy the exact seating you want without worrying about where you’ll plug it in.
  2. Place your new power recliner or sofa literally wherever you want without being limited by room layout, power outlet location or availability. 
  3. No more tripping over cables or worrying about how to route those pesky power cords. 
  4. Cordless power packs provide reliable, consistent performance to your power reclining furniture – even if your home has frequent power cuts, outages or surges. A quality recliner battery pack offers the most peace of mind to consumers worried about losing power or getting stuck.

Considering Power Reclining Furniture or A Recliner Battery Packs? Come See Us!

freemotion battery and enouvation battery pack logos

Have you ever voiced any of these concerns or objections about power reclining furniture? If so, fret no more! Now that you know that there’s an effective, affordable solution for those concerns, are you more likely to consider a power recliner, sofa or sectional?

We have dozens of brands of sectionals, sofas, loveseats and recliners, as well as multiple models of recliner battery packs from FreeMotion and Enouvation. These manufacturers use milliampere hours or mAh to measure the capacity of a battery. This electrical measurement denotes how long a battery can go between charges. Between Enouvation and FreeMotion batteries, we have options ranging in size and capacity from small (around 2,000mAh) to huge (a whopping 10,000mAh). Put simply, from a single power recliner to a massive power reclining sectional — we’ve got you covered!

Whether you’re shopping for power reclining furniture or you’re an owner of power furniture searching for a recliner battery pack, you can find what you need at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet. If you’ve got more questions about power seating solutions, we’d love to help! Feel free to give us a call or ask our experts on our convenient web chat. Otherwise, we invite you to come see all we have to offer at each of our North Georgia furniture stores!
