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How Long Do Sofas Last? What You Should Know About the Upholstery Life Cycle

How Long Do Sofas Last? What You Should Know About the Upholstery Life Cycle

When you’re about to make a sizable investment, it’s normal to ask lots of questions. Why? Because it’s important to us as consumers to have peace of mind about big purchase decisions. In other words, we want to know that it’s worth it! It should be no surprise that in our industry one of the most frequently asked questions is “How long do sofas last?”

But this question of durability doesn’t stop with sofas. Here at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet, our furniture experts get the same question regarding loveseats, sectionals, recliners, accent chairs and other upholstered seating as well. Put simply, before shoppers spend a single dime, they want to know that their new upholstered furniture will last.

Since these questions are so important to our customers and their long-term satisfaction, we wanted to address them head-on. Read on to get a better idea about how long a piece of upholstered furniture should last!

How Long Do Sofas Last According to the Furniture Industry?

According to info from furniture industry publication Furniture Today, the average consumer keeps their sofa for around 7 years. Other sources within the furniture industry present this number as a span between 7 years and 15 years.

Either way, the 7-year point is about the time when most consumers start considering new upholstered seating for their home. That being said, nobody really knows exactly why this is the case. Keep in mind that this isn’t how long a sofa should last, only when most people choose to replace it.

Perhaps this time span says more about how long some décor trends last, or how often people move homes than it does about how long sofas last. Regardless, this number indicates that upholstered seating usually lasts at least 7 years under normal circumstances. If properly cared for, your sofa, sectional, loveseat or chair could last much longer than that.

woman in white shirt and blue jeans furniture shopping with several rows of sofas, loveseats, chairs and ottomans

Okay, But Realistically How Long Should Sofas Last & Why?

So is it 7 years? 10 to 15 years? How about 25? The honest answer is that it depends.

There are so many different factors that go into the durability of upholstered seating and how long it should last. But which is the most important? How expensive the piece is? The brand name? How it’s built? What kind of fabric or leather is used?  Is it true that certain materials hold up better over time? Or do any of these things really matter?

Sure, a more expensive sofa from a top brand may last longer. But more expensive doesn’t always mean more durability. And yes, features like performance fabrics or solid wood frames will likely wear much better over time. But that’s not always guaranteed either. So if these things aren’t the single biggest determining factor, what is?

As much as we’d love to give an exact answer about how long a sofa should last, here’s the hard truth – how long a sofa lasts often depends largely on how you use it and how often.

How Often Do You Use Your Sofa?

family of four sitting with two small kids on yellow sofa

Think of it this way. We all wear shoes. Do you wear the same pair every single day, or do you rotate between several different pairs? Someone who wears the same shoes every single day is going to wear them out much faster, right?

In the United States, the typical use scenario for most family room, den, or living room furniture is 2 to 3 hours of use per day. As a result, most manufacturers design their sofas and other upholstered seating with that in mind. This is also usually reflected in how different furniture makers set their manufacturer’s warranties. All of this matters because if you or someone in your home spends most of the day reclining on the sofa, it’s possible that you’ll wear it out much more quickly than designed.

Is your new sectional meant for your den where you binge-watch Hulu or Netflix shows every night and occasionally fall asleep? Or are your new armchairs and loveseat for an infrequently-used sitting room or formal living room only used when company comes over? The answer for how long a sofa (or other upholstery) should last will vary widely between these two examples.

X-Factors That Can Impact the Lifespan of Your Upholstery

Let’s consider another example together – wear and tear on a car. A rebellious teen and a sweet old lady could drive the same car the exact same number of miles, but whose vehicle is going to be in better condition? The one that drives slowly and carefully? Or the one that drives it like they stole it?boy dressed in a super hero costume on a white sofa with a small dog jumping up onto cushions

If you’ve ever had to pay for car insurance, you already know the answer. The auto insurance companies know the answer too. That’s why they charge so much more to insure young and inexperienced drivers.

An x-factor is defined as a single variable that can have an extremely significant impact on an outcome. Well, there are a couple huge x-factors when it comes to the expected lifespan of upholstered furniture.

Pets Can Dramatically Impact the Lifespan of Sofas

Pets are the single biggest x-factor when it comes to upholstered furniture. Dogs and cats can bite or scratch fabric, leave regular and significant stains, and introduce odor-causing bacteria. Additionally, unless you use pet gates or something similar to limit their access, pets can lounge on your upholstered seating all day while you’re away. All of these things can significantly impact how long your sofa will last.

Kids Can Significantly Reduce Your Sofa’s Lifespan Too

Kids are a close second place when it comes to x-factors that can significantly reduce the life of your upholstered seating. Between the tendency to jump on (and off) furniture, shove sometimes nasty things between the cushions, spill food and drink, and more, it shouldn’t be a surprise that kids are also a significant risk for your sofa.

If You Have Kids or Pets, Read the Resource Below to Find Out the Best Upholstery for You!

As we already discussed, how long your sofa or other upholstered furniture will last depends on how you use it. We love our kids and our pets. But each are challenging in their own ways, and both can significantly shorten the lifespan of your upholstery. However, there are things you can do to address this increased risk. For more info, be sure to read our article on the best fabrics for pets and kids!

If you’ve got any other questions about living room furniture or upholstery, our experts here at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet would love to help. Come visit any of our Metro Atlanta or North Georgia furniture stores, browse our website, or use our convenient webchat today!
