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Warranty Woes: The 4 Big Reasons Furniture Warranty Claims Get Denied

Warranty Woes: The 4 Big Reasons Furniture Warranty Claims Get Denied

We’ve all been there. You made a purchase of some sort not too long ago, and now you’re having issues with it. For whatever reason, you didn’t want to return the item or it is now beyond the retailer’s return window. So, what to do? You check out the manufacturer’s warranty, right?

Imagine your heartbreak when you call to make a warranty claim, only to be told “I’m sorry, but that particular issue isn’t covered by our manufacturer’s warranty.” Your understandable frustration is amplified even more when it’s a pricey item or something that you absolutely adore – perhaps a gorgeous leather sofa or elegant dining set.

Unfortunately, this happens within the furniture industry just like anywhere else. The good news is that there are things that we can do as consumers in order to mitigate this risk. One easy way is by simply being aware of what types of damage aren’t typically covered by furniture warranties, and setting our expectations accordingly. As they say, knowing is half the battle.

That’s why today we’re diving into the 4 biggest reasons why furniture warranty claims get denied. As a retailer with our own service department, the potential customer issues in the countdown below are things we see more often than we’d like. However, by the end of this short article, you’ll become familiar with these common issues, along with what to do – and what not to do – in order to avoid these furniture warranty woes in the future!


But First, A Couple Important Disclaimers

Before we go any further in our discussion of reasons why furniture warranty claims get denied, it is extremely important to understand that every single manufacturer’s warranty is different. Not all warranties are created equal. It’s true that some furniture brands provide better manufacturer’s warranties than others. It’s also true that some warranties may cover pieces, parts or components that others do not. Additionally, the length of time that different warranties cover these parts and components can vary as well.

Keeping this in mind, please note that it is critical that you know the terms of your specific warranty. Without this knowledge, you are flying blind. Ultimately, once you’ve purchased and accepted delivery of your furniture, it becomes your responsibility to familiarize yourself with this information.

Depending on your warranty, you may choose to bolster it with the coverage of a protection plan. Here at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet, our go-to solution is called Furniture Care Protection. The purpose of protection plans like this is to give customers peace of mind by covering things that do not typically fall under warranty, like accidental damage, stains, etc. This can be a lifesaver when it comes to protecting your investment. However, for reasons you’ll learn below, today’s countdown of common warranty issues may also cause you to run afoul of your protection plan too, so be sure to pay close attention!

(4) Wear & Tear


For this type of denied warranty claim, it helps to understand what furniture warranties are and what they aren’t. For most furniture manufacturers, they give warranties in order to guarantee their products are free from defects and that they meet certain standards. However, these warranties are not typically in place to ensure against the natural wear and tear that comes with regular use over time. 

In most cases, furniture warranties explicitly state that they don’t cover wear and tear. In fact, even furniture protection plans are geared towards insulating the buyer from incidents and accidents, not regular wear and tear. 

If after years of use your sofa cushions begin to break down or sag, or the stitches and seams begin to stretch or tear, it may not be covered. The same goes for things like water rings or damage from hot items being placed on your wood table top. Depending on a piece of furniture’s build quality and the frequency and manner of its use, such wear and tear may rear its head even sooner than that. The truth is that nothing lasts forever. Unfortunately, that goes for furniture too.

(3) Abuse


Yes, you read that right. Although it sounds self-explanatory, abused furniture isn’t covered by warranties or protection plans. But what do we mean by “abuse”? What qualifies? For our purposes today, we define abuse as either intentional damage, or damage caused by using the furniture in a way other than its designed function. 

For instance, a sectional may have a warranty that covers its springs / suspension system – but not if it breaks because the kids use it as a trampoline. Or, let’s say you purchased a protection plan to cover your new kitchen table. An accidental gouge or two in the wood from cutting vegetables is no problem, but multiple gouges from using the table top as a butcher block may be considered abuse.

(2) Pet Damage


By and large, furniture manufacturer’s warranties don’t provide guarantees at all when it comes to pet damage. We love our pets, but they do come with their share of potential drawbacks and concerns. Especially when it comes to furniture care and durability. It seems like nothing breaks down a piece of upholstered furniture quicker than our furry friends. 

Regardless of whether it comes in the form of teeth, claws, or beaks, damage from scratching and chewing almost certainly voids warranties on finishes and upholstery fabrics. This is not typically covered by protection plans either. However, if you’re a pet owner who is worried about occasional incidents and accidents regarding pets going potty where they shouldn’t, this is an area where a protection plan may be a huge benefit – as long as these incidents are reported as they occur and are claimed in a timely fashion.

(1) Accumulation

Speaking of which, this is the BIG one. In fact, cases of accumulation represent the vast majority of customer service claims that we see denied by manufacturers and protection coverages alike. Why? Because even if you have a top-notch protection plan like our own Furniture Care Protection that covers incidental and accidental damage to your furniture, there are always limitations to what is covered.


So, what do we mean by “accumulation”? This simply refers to incidents, instances, or issues that have piled up over time because they weren’t addressed. For example, a single, horrific tear or stain on your upholstery fabric may be covered by a warranty or protection plan, but a dozen stains or rips from multiple incidents certainly will not be. Although similar to the abuse we discussed above, accumulation is more like neglect.

The hardest part about these types of claim denials is that sometimes these problems may have been entirely covered under your manufacturer’s warranty, your protection plan, or both. However, because they were not claimed in a timely fashion, they cannot be covered.

In other words, if you think you may have a claimable issue with your furniture, please don’t wait. If you do, you could be rolling the dice. For this reason, we advise our customers to call anytime they suspect an issue, especially if they have a Furniture Care Protection plan.

Questions About Manufacturer’s Warranties, What’s Covered & Everything Else Furniture? We Are Your Industry Insiders!

Congratulations! You should now have a much better feel for the pitfalls that often result in denied claims or voided furniture warranties. You should also now have a good idea of what types of wear and damage aren’t typically covered by most manufacturer warranties. The result? You’re much better prepared as a furniture shopper — and furniture owner!

Knowing these things in advance can help you make a more informed decision on your furniture purchase. They can also help you figure out whether a protection plan like our own Furniture Care Protection is right for you. Lastly, knowing the causes of these claim denials in advance will help you side-step common mistakes that can sometimes lead to these unfortunate outcomes.

Do you have more questions about manufacturer’s warranties, or perhaps general questions about the furniture industry as a whole? Want to learn about our very own Furniture Care Protection plan and how it can add an extra layer of defense to your furniture investment? Let the furniture experts at Woodstock Furniture & Mattress Outlet be your guide! Use our live web chat to chat with an expert ASAP, or swing by our 3 North Georgia and Atlanta area furniture and mattress stores. Come see us!
